103 items found for ""
- Nox odgovarja
Zdrtavo jaz sem Nox , nov družinski čaln pri Tomažu Verbincu
- James Camerons Avatar The.Game
James Camerons Avatar The.Game ACTIVATION HARDVARE ID :AD57295FD7B836349F5E88280424DAC8 ACTVATION KEY : 37D6D7D22A236A42A2AC71AC3023EB4E
- Deadfall advantures
Deadfall advantures cd key ac= 44KJM-TQBLZ-86LFA
- Oblivion Magic items
Oblivion:Varla Stone 00000194 Oblivion:Welkynd Stone 00000191
- Oblivion apparatus
Apparatus ID Master Alembic 0006EE64 Master Mortar and Pestle 0006EE68 Master Calcinator 0006EE66 Master Retort 0006EE6A
- Oblivion Soul gems
Black soul gem 00000192
- Skyrim Dragon Shouts
Available Dragon Shouts The order in which you visit word walls associated with a particular shout does not matter. Word walls will always give you the first word not already learned for a shout. This is also true of the quest-taught words of Whirlwind Sprint, learned in The Way of the Voice, and Fire Breath, learned in The Throat of the World; you will always learn the next word not already learned. Dragon Shout (ID) Word of Power Translation Word Wall Location Cool Down Time SR-icon-shout-White.png Animal Allegiance (0005fc77) A Shout for help from the beasts of the wild, who come to fight in your defense. R1N(Raan) Animal Ancient's Ascent Angarvunde Ysgramor's Tomb (atop the hill, quest locked) 50 M7(Mir) Allegiance 60 T4(Tah) Pack 70 SR-icon-shout-Pink.png Aura Whisper (0007097b) Your Voice is not a Shout, but a whisper, revealing the life forces of any and all. L1S(Laas) Life Northwind Summit Valthume Volunruud 30 Y4(Yah) Seek 40 N7(Nir) Hunt 50 SR-icon-shout-Dragonrend.png Battle FuryDB (xx02ad09) Your Thu'um enchants your nearby allies' weapons, allowing them to attack faster. MID(Mid) Loyal All three words are found in Vahlok's Tomb 20 V6(Vur) Valor 30 SH1N(Shaan) Inspire 40 SR-icon-shout-Ethereal.png Become Ethereal (00032920) The Thu'um reaches out to the Void, changing your form to one that cannot harm, or be harmed. F2M(Feim) Fade Ironbind Barrow Lost Valley Redoubt Ustengrav (quest locked) 20 Z3(Zii) Spirit 30 GRON(Gron) Bind 40 DB-icon-shout-Bend Will.png Bend WillDB (xx0179d8) Your voice bends the very stones to your will. As it gains power, animals, people, and even dragons must do your bidding. GOL(Gol) Earth Saering's Watch Taught to you by Hermaeus Mora (during The Path of Knowledge) Taught to you by Hermaeus Mora (during The Gardener of Men) 10 H4(Hah) Mind 90 DOV(Dov) Dragon 120 SR-icon-shout-White.png Call Dragon (00046b8c) Odahviing! Hear my Voice and come forth. I summon you in my time of need. OD(Od) Snow High Hrothgar (all words learned together during The Fallen) 5 4(Ah) Hunter 5 V3NG(Viing) Wing 300 SR-icon-shout-Ethereal.png Call of Valor (0005196a) The valiant of Sovngarde hear your Voice, and journey beyond space and time to lend aid HUN(Hun) Hero Sovngarde (all words learned together during Dragonslayer) 180 K1L(Kaal) Champion 180 Z8R(Zoor) Legend 180 SR-icon-shout-Force.png Clear Skies (0003cd34) Skyrim itself yields before the Thu'um, as you clear away fog and inclement weather. LOK(Lok) Sky High Hrothgar (during The Throat of the World) 5 V4(Vah) Spring 10 K8R(Koor) Summer 15 SR-icon-shout-White.png CycloneDB (xx0200c0) Your Thu'um creates a whirling cyclone that sows chaos among your enemies. VEN(Ven) Wind White Ridge Sanctum Benkongerike Kolbjorn Barrow 30 G1R(Gaar) Unleash 45 NOS(Nos) Strike 60 SR-icon-shout-Force.png Disarm (00070981) Shout defies steel, as you rip the weapon from an opponent's grasp. ZUN(Zun) Weapon Eldersblood Peak Silverdrift Lair Snow Veil Sanctum (quest locked) 30 H1L(Haal) Hand 35 V3K(Viik) Defeat 40 SR-icon-shout-Pink.png Dismay (0002395a) And the weak shall fear the Thu'um, and flee in terror. F1S(Faas) Fear Dead Crone Rock Lost Tongue Overlook Shalidor's Maze 40 RU(Ru) Run 45 M1R(Maar) Terror 50 DB-icon-shout-Dragon Aspect.png Dragon AspectDB (xx01df92) Once a day, take on the mighty aspect of a dragon, delivering colossal blows, with an armored hide, and more powerful shouts. MUL(Mul) Strength Raven Rock Mine Temple of Miraak Apocrypha (Waking Dreams) 5 Q4(Qah) Armor 5 D3V(Diiv) Wyrm 5 SR-icon-shout-Dragonrend.png Dragonrend (00044250) Your Voice lashes out at a dragon's very soul, forcing the beast to land. J8R(Joor) Mortal Throat of the World (during Alduin's Bane) 10 Z4(Zah) Finite 12 FRUL(Frul) Temporary 15 SR-icon-shout-Marked for Death.png Drain VitalityDG (xx008a62) Coax both magical and mortal energies from your hapless opponent. G1N(Gaan) Stamina Dimhollow Crypt Forgotten Vale Arcwind Point 30 L4(Lah) Magicka 60 H1S(Haas) Health 90 SR-icon-shout-White.png Elemental Fury (00032921) The Thu'um imbues your arms with the speed of wind, allowing for faster weapon strikes. SU(Su) Air Dragontooth Crater Shriekwind Bastion Statue to Meridia (just uphill to the northeast) 30 GR4(Grah) Battle 40 DUN(Dun) Grace 50 SR-icon-shout-Fire Breath.png Fire Breath (0003f9ea) Inhale air, exhale flame, and behold the Thu'um as inferno. YOL(Yol) Fire Dustman's Cairn (quest locked) Sunderstone Gorge Throat of the World (during The Throat of the World) 30 T8R(Toor) Inferno 50 SHUL(Shul) Sun 100 SR-icon-shout-Frost Breath.png Frost Breath (0005d16b) Your breath is winter, you Thu'um a blizzard. FO(Fo) Frost Bonestrewn Crest Folgunthur Skyborn Altar 30 KR4(Krah) Cold 50 D3N(Diin) Freeze 100 SR-icon-shout-Ice Form.png Ice Form (00070980) Your Thu'um freezes an opponent solid. 3Z(Iiz) Ice Frostmere Crypt Mount Anthor Saarthal (quest locked) 60 SLEN(Slen) Flesh 90 NUS(Nus) Statue 120 SR-icon-shout-Kyne's Peace.png Kyne's Peace (0007097e) The Voice soothes wild beasts, who lose their desire to fight or flee. K1N(Kaan) Kyne Ragnvald Rannveig's Fast Shroud Hearth Barrow 40 DREM(Drem) Peace 50 OV(Ov) Trust 60 SR-icon-shout-Marked for Death.png Marked for Death (0007097c) Speak, and let your Voice herald doom, as an opponent's armor and lifeforce are weakened. KR3(Krii) Kill Autumnwatch Tower Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (quest locked) Forsaken Cave 20 LUN(Lun) Leech 30 AUS(Aus) Suffer 40 SR-icon-shout-Slow Time.png Slow Time (00048ac9) Shout at time, and command it to obey, as the world around you stands still. T3D(Tiid) Time Hag's End Korvanjund (quest locked) Labyrinthian (quest locked) 30 KLO(Klo) Sand 45 UL(Ul) Eternity 60 SR-icon-shout-Kyne's Peace.png Soul TearDG (xx007cb6) Your Thu'um cuts through flesh and shatters soul, commanding the will of the fallen. R3(Rii) Essence Durnehviir teaches you a word each time you summon him from the Soul Cairn. 5 V1Z(Vaaz) Tear 5 ZOL(Zol) Zombie 90 SR-icon-shout-White.png Storm Call (0007097d) A Shout to the skies, a cry to the clouds, that awakens the destructive force of Skyrim's lightning. STRUN(Strun) Storm Forelhost High Gate Ruins Skuldafn Temple (quest locked) 300 B4(Bah) Wrath 480 QO(Qo) Lightning 600 SR-icon-shout-Marked for Death.png Summon DurnehviirDG (xx0030d2) Durnehviir! Hear my Voice and come forth from the Soul Cairn. I summon you in my time of need. D6(Dur) Curse Soul Cairn (all words learned together after Beyond Death) 5 NEH(Neh) Never 5 V3R(Viir) Dying 300 SR-icon-shout-White.png Throw Voice (0007097f) The Thu'um is heard, but its source unknown, fooling those into seeking it out. ZUL(Zul) Voice Shearpoint (all words learned together) 30 M9(Mey) Fool 15 GUT(Gut) Far 5 SR-icon-shout-Force.png Unrelenting Force (00013e07) Your Voice is raw power, pushing aside anything - or anyone - who stands in your path. FUS(Fus) Force Bleak Falls Barrow High Hrothgar (during The Way of the Voice) High Hrothgar (during The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller) 15 RO(Ro) Balance 20 D4(Dah) Push 45 SR-icon-shout-White.png Whirlwind Sprint (0002f7ba) The Thu'um rushes forward, carrying you in its wake with the speed of a tempest. WULD(Wuld) Whirlwind Dead Men's Respite High Hrothgar (during The Way of the Voice) Volskygge (atop the hill) 20 N4(Nah) Fury 25 KEST(Kest) Tempest 35 Unavailable Dragon Shouts
- Kreativnost
Čeprav vsi govorijo o kretivnosti in inovatiovnosti pa nobeden noče da bi bil njego podrejeni boljši od njega . Tako da ko imajo drugi racunalnistvo v oblaku imamo mi upravo v oblaku !! Ze velo večnost nabavljemo nove vozičke takšne ali drugačne ,pa ni nikoli dovolj denarja. nazadnje sem slišal da so tam gori !!!!!
- Petrovo na�?elo
PETROVO NAČELO Vsak posameznik se v hierarhiji nagiba k temu, da bi se povzpel do ravni svoje nesposobnosti. Izreka: 1. Sčasoma bo vsako mesto v kadrovski piramidi zasedel človek, ki je z ato mesto nesposoben. 2. Delo opravljajo tisti, ki še niso dosegli svoje ravni nesposobnosti. PETROVA INVERZIJA Notranjo doslednost se vedno vrednoti višje kot učinkovito delo. PETROV SKRIVNI POSTULAT Vsakdo začne na ravni svoje sposobnosti. PETROVO OPAŽANJE Izrazita sposobnost je bolj nezaželena od nesposobnosti.
- EX direktor
Lebana nagnali, Petro "nastavili"! Knjižnica zopet v središču Petra Šuhar Kejžar je bila samostojna podjetnica (in še je...), skrbela za promocijo Puharjeve dediščine (izumitelj fotografije na steklo), bila v Gorenjskem tisku in Elanu in še kje v službi- imela pa malo težav z Viljemom Lebanom, direktorjem knjižnice. Tam je vodila kulturne dogodke oziroma prireditve in se skregala s šefom. To pa v knjižnici ni dobro, trdijo tisti, ki so z direktorjem že (bili) na bojni nogi. Pa se je zgodilo, da "človek obrača, bog obrne": tokrat v podobi sveta knjižnice, ki je za novo direktorico izbral Petro Puhar Kejžar. Leban pa je dobil nezaupnico. In lepota zgodbe: mestni svet ima 60 dni, da odloči o novi direktorici - če ne bo, velja odločitev sveta knjižnice. Kar pa dobi dodatno zanimivost ob dejstvu, da seje sveta do jeseni sploh ni na programu in torej Puhar Kejžarjeva čaka samo še na potrditev iz občin kjer so izpostave knjižnice (nekaj tega soglasja že ima), sodelavci v knjižnici pa so z veliko večino - za Petro. Šefica sveta zavoda knjižnice je Smiljana Vončina Slavec=kandiddirala na listi Več za Kranj! Torej je zadeve "strankarsko=Mohštjanovsko" usklajena? Tega pa nihče ne more trditi, ker ni potrdil, ne javne podpore, nič. In svet je bil imenovan še v času prejšnjega župana. Torej: imamo lahko "na tihem" novo direktorico ustanove, ki ji namenimo letno 2 (dva) milijončka! Veselica!!!! Niti ne za vse: dobili smo povratne reakcije iz politike kjer so izbuljili oči ob izboru in poteku, ki jim lahko odreče slast kadrovanja....Se spomnite Zavoda za turizem? Tam je svet tudi izbral, a župan Mohštjan s še staro koalcicijo bo raje spremenil cel zavod, da le izbrana kandidatka ni bila potrjena. Se lahko to ponovi pri knjižnici? Do takrat ima Petra Puhar Kejžar prosto pot...(očitki o tem, da nima prave izobrazbe niti drugih pogojev kot so izkušnje na podobnih delovnih mestih, veselo krožijo...) http://kr.trma.si/index.php?nid=100&id=3690
- Direktorji
http://www.gorenjskiglas.si/article/20121026/PIS/310269982/1241/1241/spostovani-viljem-leban--direktor-mestne-knjiznice-kranj Nočemo takega direktorja ali vodjo Koža Kot je ta
- Vampire Disease
Vampire Disease When using the term "vampire disease", it's important to distinguish between the two different definitions of the term: Porphyric Hemophilia is a bacterial disease that humans can become infected by. An infection that is not cured will lead to vampirism. Sangue Debolezza is a potentially deadly, rare disease that only vampires can catch. Porphyric Hemophilia Porphyric Hemophilia is a condition caused by a bacterial strain carried in the blood and saliva of every vampire. A human who comes in contact with the blood or saliva of a vampire can easily become exposed to this bacteria. Once exposed, an infected human only has about 72 hours to begin antibiotic treatments before the bacteria becomes incurable. In essence, this "vampire disease" spreads through the human's body, changing the chemistry of the blood and skin. The first symptoms of infection may include photosensitivity or photodermatitis (sensitivity to light of the eyes or skin). Muscle weakness or seizures can occur, as well as inconsistencies in the nervous system, such as a slow or rapid heartbeat. Eventually the bacteria behind this disease settles into the body and lives there, creating a perfect environment for it to exist in. At this point, the human body has been completely transformed with the curses, but not the benefits of vampirism. In order to gain immortality, strength, and speed, one must still drink the blood of a vampire. Sangue Debolezza The term "Sangue Debolezza" comes from Italian, literally translating to "blood weakness". The origins of this rare vampire disease remain unknown, but we do know that it only affects vampires. The symptoms of Sangue Debolezza include severe exhaustion and chronic headaches, followed by nausea, which eventually leads to starvation in many cases. It is a difficult disease to learn about because only vampires can acquire it, and they rarely subject themselves to medical examination. According to most sources, it is a very rare condition, but it is the only known disease that can kill a vampire. For more facts about vampires visit our vampire home page. All content Copyright 2015, Royal Mint